Versuri > Sara Bareilles

Versuri Sara Bareilles – Someone Who Loves Me lyrics

Someone Who Loves Me versuri Sara Bareilles

Could I rest here for a while
Near that medal ‘round your neck
St. Jude’s wearing a smile
He wouldn’t mind I bet
I can’t go face the world
My bones won’t hold me up
So tell the saint of lost souls where to find me
Softly sleeping here in the deep end of someone who loves me

You’ll let me cry it out
Because you know that sometimes I can’t stop and
Still I’m seeking how
To stand up when the bottom drops
The weight of all the world
Can blind me to its beauty
But every time I need to be reminded
I know you will and say you’re still someone who loves me

I try to push it down but it comes back faster and harder
Tides are changing on a dime and I’m just trying to keep my head above the water…

Surrender’s just a word
Till you try it out
And see how hard it is to hurt
With someone else around
I’m the worst I’ve ever been
Afraid of almost everything
The skies are clear but storms are always comin’
Your gift to me
Is just to be
Bracing for the winds I always summon
My home, my heart
Thank God you are
Someone who loves me

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