Versuri > Jain

Versuri Jain – Makeba lyrics

Makeba versuri Jain

Ooohe Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a oohe Makeba
Makes my body dance for you

I want to hear your breath just next to my soul
I want to feel oppress without any rest
I want to see you sing I want to seeyou fight
Because you are the real beauty of human right

Ooohe Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a oohe Makeba
Makes my body dance for you

Nobody can beat the Mama Africa
You follow the beat that she’s going to give you
Only her smile can all make it go
The sufferation of a thousand more

Ooohe Makeba ma qué bella
Can I get a oohe Makeba
Makes my body dance for you

Makeba lyrics ♪ tiktok clean Letra de la canción Makeba ♪ Versuri Makeba

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