Versuri > Claudia Pavel

Versuri Claudia Pavel – Hit the Dancefloor lyrics

Hit the Dancefloor versuri Claudia Pavel

Drop it drop it like its hot
Feel my body on repeat don’t stop
Can we dream a little more a little more
Move a little to he left a little to the right
Now let your body let your body go
Let your body let your body go

Hello hello hola siente la musica

Now watch me shake don’t touch
Watch me how I pump it up
Rumba rumba rumba
Te gusta la fiesta

Hit the dancefloor
Hit hit hit the dancefloor
Hit the dancefloor
Hit hit hit the dancefloor
Hit the dancefloor
Hit hit hit the dancefloor
Hit the dancefloor
Hit hit hit the dancefloor

Hit the Dancefloor lyrics ♪ tiktok clean Letra de la canción Hit the Dancefloor ♪ Versuri Hit the Dancefloor

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